Jon Aquino Labs

Technologies that make life wonderful
Random Keith Ferrazzi Quote
A web application that displays a random quote from Keith Ferrazzi's book "Never Eat Alone". This book is about networking and making connections.
Victoria BC Bloggers
A webpage combining the feeds of 109 Victoria bloggers. Also available as a feed, or if you want to import all 109 blogs into your aggregator, an OPML file. Anyone is free to add or remove blogs using the Edit link. (old site) (Read more...)
A web application that will let you paste in a bunch of numbers and hit a button, and it will display their average.
Bloglines Splicer
A web application that arranges your unread feed items in a new way: the first item is shown for each feed, then the second item is shown for each feed, then the third for each feed, and so forth. This way, your feedreading is distributed evenly among all your feeds -- a great help if you are under time constraints (imposed by yourself or by your circumstances). (Read more...)
Line Shuffler
A web application that will let you paste in a bunch of lines of text and hit a button, and it will shuffle the lines for you. (Read more...)
A Windows program that lets you turn any RSS feed into a podcast. It uses text-to-speech to convert the feed's webpages into MP3 files. (Read more...)